Friday, November 15, 2013

The Two Rules of Marriage

“What’s the secret?” 
I was working my “summer job” at the local Sate Park and one of the guys that worked with me was talking about his upcoming wedding. We had just celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. He was amazed. His parents were divorced, as were many of his other relatives. Since he came from a non-Christian background, I was temporarily stymied. Having a mutual faith in Christ is a definite advantage in our marriage, but there needed to be more. I have seen Christians get divorced. I have seen non-Christians live together into old age. That’s where the “two rules” came to mind. As far as I can tell, this is the closest I can come to the secret of marriage. I realize they are not full-proof. People can let themselves become mean and evil. Drug addiction can destroy them from the inside out. They still have a choice. But it’s the best I've got.
Rule #1
“Divorce is not an option.”
If you decide this from the start it will give you several advantages. It will make you choose wisely. If you know you will have to live with him/her for the rest of your life, you might be a little pickier. It will force you to work things out. It’s amazing how people will adapt and change once they realize the mountain is not moving. “‘Til death us do part!” (And no, murder is not an option.)

Rule #2
“Be the first to apologize. It’s probably your fault anyway”
As the man, it’s my responsibility to lead the home. (If that concept is foreign to you, then probably not much else is in this blog making sense, so I’m just going to go on.) It’s a rare occasion that I don’t have any culpability in the problem at hand. I admit it. I don’t listen as intently as I should. I can be about as sensitive as a shoe. Even if by some freak chance I am right, it’s still no reason to go around with an arrogant attitude. Communication is the sap of the tree of marriage. Keep the lines open.

We are sneaking up on our 32nd wedding anniversary in June of 2014. Face it, a great marriage has been work. But when I think about it, fishing is also work. I’m tired when I get home from a great fishing trip. yet it’s a good tired, a happy restful tired. They’re a lot alike, marriage and fishing. It’s been almost 32 years. And I would do it all again, and 32 more…Love you!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Love God. Love People.

Recently our church handed out arm bands to be worn for the next 30 days. Truthfully, I am not a real fan of the flexible advertising goodies, but this one caught my eye.  It’s a simple slogan, but an immense idea. Love God. Love People. In a world of WWJD, I think this is one that even Jesus might wear. After all, He was the one to come up with the slogan. It’s a shortened version of the two greatest commandments: Luke 10:27(NIV) "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with your entire mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Yes, this is one reminder I need to wear. Love God. How often I forget. Love People. Boy, would this solve a lot of problems if we would focus on “others better than ourselves” as we go about our daily duties. As a “left hand man” my very existence is serving others. Our school theme verse for the 2013-14 school year is Philippians 2:3-5 (NIV) “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Who will you please today? Jesus? Others? Yourself? If you live the word of Jesus. Joy will follow! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where Was God?

During a tragedy, the phrase “Where was God?” is often heard. The fact that someone is suffering somehow translates into either “God doesn't exist” or “God doesn't care”. Some may even think that God sees it all but can’t do anything about it.

What people feel to realize is that as member of the human race, we are at war. War you say? What war? Even if a bombing, a shooting or a senseless rampage isn't official an “act of terror” it is an act of war. The Bible says that Satan is at war with God. Since God loves mankind, all of humanity becomes a target of Satan’s wrath. Yes, much of our suffering is a direct result of sin in the world, but it’s still battle fallout. A true soldier doing his duty, does not ask, “Where is the General?”. He knows were he is. A soldier knows what his own duty is.

A better question might be, “Where were you?  Do you pray daily for safety, for God to intervene in the affairs of evil? Are you sober and vigilant as the Scripture says? Or do you take it all for granted, living only for what pleases you? The Bible tells us to put on the whole armor of God to withstand the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

We are told to overcome evil with good. How can we do that? Revelation 12:11 (NIV) says: They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

It has been said that all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. But really, for us to triumph over evil, evil must attack first. How can you triumph over nothing? Next time, instead of bemoaning your fate when bad things happen, triumph over evil. It’s already given to us through God’s power!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

If Tires Could Talk...

It's funny really. We want to be the best person we can be. We want to be strong, to make a difference. Yet we want things to go smoothly.
Imagine a tire company that wanted to make the best sports tires in the world, but never tested them. We would think that was silly. We also wouldn't buy them. Tires, to be safe and durable, must be tested rigorously. The tire maker must know they will hold up to the perils of the open road or they will not be in business long.
But have you ever thought about what the tire thinks of all that testing? (I'm sure you probably haven't, but humor me anyway.) It is driven at high speeds over ruts and bumps, through gravel and dirt. It is driven through rain, snow, storms and wind, over ice and blistering pavement  It is skidded, screeched  kicked (old school) scraped, under and even over inflated. And for what you might ask? So it can be stamped APPROVED, worthy of carrying precious cargo. 'm sure the tire would just as soon forego the test and just go for the stamp. But that's not how it works, with tires, ships, airplanes  or even character. They all must be tested to ensure their quality.
This last week my family was tested. My daughter went in for a routine "sex of the baby" ultrasound to find that there was no heartbeat. To make it worse, she found out there were twins. The next day Elisabeth Rose and Renee Rose were still born at 5 months. Our first grand-babies are born and taken away. A godly mother and father had to bury their children instead of holding them in their arms. Yet through the testing, they are being refined, no APPROVED. I am so proud of them. Does it hurt? Yes! Will it continue to hurt? Unfortunately, yes. Is God still good? ABSOLUTELY! He has a plan and will continue to work. My daughter and son-in-law have called them "their little missionaries". They hope that others will be strengthened and brought to Christ through this trial.
Here is my daughter's own Facebook entry on April 6th:

"Hi, as you might have heard, we went in for our 20 week ultra sound appointment yesterday to find out the sex of the baby. While we were there, we found out we had twins and that neither had a heartbeat any longer. They were sharing a sack and everything in it and they just didn't make it. We were sent to Doctors right away were I was induced and delivered, like a normal delivery (mostly), two tiny beautiful baby girls. We are heartbroken but know The Lord has a plan. He is good, always. Even though this devastating event, we completely trust him. We are thankful for the opportunity to be parents of two beautiful girls, Elisabeth Rose and Renee Rose. We will be having a small service to honor them and will keep you updated with the date and time. If anyone would like to help you can contact my mom Patricia Cross. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support."

My children are living out their faith for the world. What more could a father want?

Helping Hands & Shovel-fulls of Love

I witnessed something wonderful at the funeral of my twin grand-babies yesterday. At the end of the service, my son-in-law gently put the box carrying the remains into the small grave. He then put a couple shovel-fulls of dirt into the grave. I had never seen this before. My wife leaned over to me and said, "Stephanie said you could help if you want". They were going to make him shovel all the dirt in now as they watched?! I jumped up to help. I was shocked, no stunned. "Do we have to do all of it?", I whispered. "And anyone else that wants to help", he said. Then as I looked up, tears filled my eyes. There were already several men waiting for their turn. As I handed over the shovel to John's best friend, I stepped back and watched as man after man took his turn helping their "brother" give his children to God. As it happens, it’s a German Baptist tradition, a wonderful, tender tradition. As we sang "Bless the Lord Oh My Soul" and watched the outpouring of heartfelt shovel-full’s slowly fill in the small hole, we came together as believers in Christ.
My granddaughters will be sorely missed. My daughter will need more comforting. Things will never be the same. It's God's plan so we can grow. We must be tested to be approved. We didn't really loose the twins, not really. I can imagine two beautiful little girls, sitting by the gates of heaven waiting to give their mom and dad a big hug. And someday we all will. It's God's plan.

                      Elizabeth Rose Garber                                          Renee Rose Garber
                                    2013                                                                          2013
On shining steps near Heaven’s gate
All dressed in white two roses wait
For time to pass and years to fly
For those on earth to say goodbye
With loving smiles and golden hair
They welcome others entering there
They wait for mother’s hand to hold
And in her arms their blossoms unfold
                                                   For My Granddaughters – M. Dale Cross