Sunday, August 24, 2014

For My Wonderful Wife, Patricia

In a forest nestled in a fertile valley, next to a meandering stream, stands a sturdy oak.  He has lived here for over half a century.  His branches stretch into the sky and out sideways all about him.  Some 30 years ago, a wonderful flowering vine was planted next to him.  Throughout the years they have grown together; their branches entwining ever so tightly that it is now hard to tell one from the other.  Through winds and rain, blizzard and ice, and drought and heat, they have grown. 
In the influence of their shadow all manner of plants and small trees grow.  Nurtured by their shade and protecting boughs, they flourish.  Many creatures of the forest visit to rest and play under their canopy.  Once a year, to mark the passing of time, the vine blossoms in a stunning explosion of light purple flowers.  The flowers only last for a few weeks and then they are gone.
A curious thing has happened over the years.  Instead of adding a burden of weight to the oak tree, his branches grew lighter.  He was able to reach much higher than many of the other oaks around him.  He did not fear the wind, but let it flow freely though his branches, making each leaf dance as it went.  The vine supported the oak; the oak in turn sheltered the more fragile vine.  As individuals, they were both grand.  As a couple, completely entwined, they are glorious!  The years, as is fitting, will someday take their toll; yet these two stand as a monument of what two hearts entwined as one can accomplish.

Picture by Patrizia Szymkowicz
used by permission from