Sunday, January 7, 2024

I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful…

    This year for the holidays we took a trip to Texas to see my daughter’s family, with a side stop in Arizona to see more friends and family. As road trips go, it was one of the most relaxing trips we have taken. We were worried that we would be driving through rain the whole trip, but instead, a bubble of good weather seems to follow us. I have never seen the roads so free of traffic and moving so smoothly. The car ran great and we had comfortable stops at each place. We even got to stop and look at Native American art and souvenirs as we travelled through some of the local reservation land. I’m not sure why we had it so easy, but I’m grateful.  

    We got to spend several days with three of our nine grandchildren. We played games, went to a movie, watched Christmas specials, and ate very well. I found out that my grandchildren loved to watch me play Pokémon Go. They made sure that Papaw remembered that in Pokémon you “got a catch ‘em all”. The loved to snuggle up close and see what I caught next. They loved spending time with Memaw and Papaw. Honestly, I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful.

    I got to rest and refresh, and even see butterflies flying around in late December. I took walks with my grandchildren. I slept in. I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to. I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful.

    God has been so good to us. We’ve raised five children and now have nine precious grandchildren. Most of the time that was on a single salary. We have always had everything we needed and many things we just “wanted”. I truly have a blessed life and have received much more than I ever deserved. I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful.

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