Saturday, September 14, 2024

Is Christianity a Crutch?

I have had a few acquaintances that have told me they thought Christianity was just a crutch. So this week I have decided to ruminate about this idea for a little bit. 

A crutch  in this instance is a device to help us stand or walk without falling. In this case I’m going to visualize a cane. The most common use of a cane is to help someone who has trouble walking. In this sense, I say yes they are comparable. I chose to become a Christ follower because I knew I couldn’t do it myself. He holds me up. I know it’s not politically correct, but we are broken. Without Him, I’m going nowhere fast. Truthfully, it’s more like a wheelchair. I’m nothing without him. 

A cane can be used to help pull others out of a bad situation, quicksand, a canal. Hey, let your imagination run wild. Again not a bad idea. 

Other people use canes to hit people, pets, or whatever. Some Christian seem to use Christianity in a like manner. Yet it was never intended to be a club. 

Then there are those who view canes as a fashion statement. They feel it makes them look sophisticated, more important than they really are. Again, I know people that view Christianity in the same way. So what is your “Christianity” to you? We can’t do it by ourselves. But are you also helping others? I hope so. 

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Why Doesn’t God Do Something?

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t immediately punish evil doers? Why does He let their deeds continue and sometimes even be covered up?

I think it may be rooted in the notion that, even though we may do some wrong things now and then, we look at ourselves as not as bad as “those others”. I mean, 5 miles over the speed limit is not that bad. At least I wasn’t racing. It’s only human to categorize and rank sins. But to God, disobedience is disobedience. Jesus explained in Matthew 5:27 that even thinking about an adultery and doing it were both grievously offensive.

You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’

 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully

has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  Matthew 5:27-28

So why not immediate justice?

Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness,

forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness

is intended to lead you to repentance?   Romans 2:4

The truth is, none of use deserve any mercy. We all deserve to be judged & prosecuted, and sent to punishment as soon as we become offenders. But God desires a relationship with us. He gives us a chance to realize our actions and either repent or reject. And that takes time. There will be a “payday someday”, but God’s patience is intended to lead us to him.

When I was young I thought that God had a club or lightning bolt and was just waiting for me to step out of line. I’m not sure where I got this image. It wasn’t from my parents, nor from scripture. What I have noticed is that when God wants to get my attention, He does something good. If things aren’t going right, I might think that I deserve it. But when God does something very good, it really makes me stop and reflect. It draws me to Him.

So instead if fretting over other’s unpunished evil deeds, thank God for his patience, mercy, and grace.