Saturday, September 14, 2024

Is Christianity a Crutch?

I have had a few acquaintances that have told me they thought Christianity was just a crutch. So this week I have decided to ruminate about this idea for a little bit. 

A crutch  in this instance is a device to help us stand or walk without falling. In this case I’m going to visualize a cane. The most common use of a cane is to help someone who has trouble walking. In this sense, I say yes they are comparable. I chose to become a Christ follower because I knew I couldn’t do it myself. He holds me up. I know it’s not politically correct, but we are broken. Without Him, I’m going nowhere fast. Truthfully, it’s more like a wheelchair. I’m nothing without him. 

A cane can be used to help pull others out of a bad situation, quicksand, a canal. Hey, let your imagination run wild. Again not a bad idea. 

Other people use canes to hit people, pets, or whatever. Some Christian seem to use Christianity in a like manner. Yet it was never intended to be a club. 

Then there are those who view canes as a fashion statement. They feel it makes them look sophisticated, more important than they really are. Again, I know people that view Christianity in the same way. So what is your “Christianity” to you? We can’t do it by ourselves. But are you also helping others? I hope so. 

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

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