Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Little Things


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)


I have always tried to teach my children about prayer. We have even prayed for parking spots. Yet God needed to teach me a lesson that nothing is too small for prayer.

I was visiting a good friend in southern California and we decided to take his children fishing. We were on one of the local piers in the San Diego area. Because they are heavily fished, most of what you see caught is on the small side. We had been there for about ½ an hour or so and really hadn’t caught anything. Suddenly his youngest son got a bite and reeled up a tiny little surf perch. “We prayed for that”, he beamed. Sure, you prayed for that. A fish that can be caught anytime on these piers. Still it kind of nagged me that I ended up being “skunked” that day. No bites, nada, not a one.

A few weeks later I was at my old haunt in Half Moon Bay poke-poling for monkeyface eel. I had covered the whole area and not seen a thing, which for me was very unusual. While pondering this dilemma, a though floated through my thick head. “So, you don’t have to pray for fish, eh?” Now maybe God doesn’t talk to you in your head, but he and I have had some really interesting conversations. I tried to ignore it for a while, all the time catching NOTHING. Finally next to a big rock by the shore, I knelt in my waders on the sandy beach, acknowledged my pride and unfaithfulness, and prayed for fish. I returned to the normal circuit that was my usual pattern, and ended up with a sizable bag of eel, rockfish, and crab. I can never walk past that rock without smiling. God does have a sense of humor. It has now become a must, even when fishing with strangers, to pray before we fish. Funny, no one seems to object. I guess they figure they need as much help as they can get. I know I do.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sometimes You Just Need A Good Shove. (Remembering Evangelist Gary Gillmore)


    This week I found out that Evangelist Gary Gillmore pasted into eternity in July of 2023. Even though you may have never heard of him, he has had a profound influence in my life.

    The summer of 1978, was a very tumultuous time. I had just graduated from high school and was trying to decide what to do with my life. I was looking at 3 career possibilities. Part of me wanted to go to diamond appraisal school and make my fortune. Part of me was considering a musical degree/career as a song writer. Another part was considering a science degree working toward a career in the CDC tracking down strange and unusual diseases. Then there was the part of me that was running from God.

    I ended up finding a new girlfriend, and having surgery on my leg. The surgery I needed; the girlfriend was connected to the running from God thing. I remember a week late in August, where not only was I discouraged because I was hobbling around on crutches, but my parents made me go to evening evangelistic meetings every night at our church. Each night was worse than the previous night. I don’t remember what was said, but do I know I was uncomfortable. My brother was already in Bible college and I know my parents “expected” me to go also. Each night brought a feeling in the pit of my stomach not unlike the felling of the first big drop on a high roller coaster. It is a feeling that I do not cherish in the least. By Wednesday it was constant and I found myself taking sinus medicine just to take the edge off. By Friday night I couldn’t stand it. I remember sitting in my bed, contemplating the present, the future, and all the various scenarios. To this day, I cannot tell you where it came from, but I knew I needed to make a choice.  I could keep going the direction I was headed (I’ll spare you the details of a life spiraling out of control) or I could give in to the will of a sovereign God. If I kept on the present path I somehow knew I would be dead in 6 months, probably due to my own devices. It was in that moment that I arrogantly told God, “All right, I give up. Go ahead and ruin my life.” The roller coaster stopped.

    At church on Sunday I (more at my mom’s urging that anything else) told Rev. Gillmore that I would be going to Bible college. Instead of the ol’ “atta boy” I got, “I’m not sure I believe you. I will be at that college in September. Come see me if you make it.” You have to admit, he didn’t mince words.

    Fast forward to September and this young man is standing in a line of dewy-eyed students waiting to meet the visiting “evangelist” and get their Bible signed. When it was my turn he held his hand out for another Bible, and only looked up when he noticed nothing was placed in his hand.

    He peered up at me and asked, “Can I help you?” “Do you remember me? I asked. After a long pause he admitted he was stumped. I told him my name and the name of my home church . I reminded him of what he said. I saw a smile slowly spread across his face. I really didn’t think you would make it”, he murmured.

    Fast forward 4 more years to graduation year, 1984. Rev. Gillmore was visiting college for the day and spoke in chapel. I stood in line, just like last time, only this time he remembered me. I just wanted him to know I made it.

I did have the chance several years ago to track him down through email and let him know I was still teaching Christian school after all these years. I thanked him for giving me the shove I needed all those years ago. His grandson was glad I had let them know. You may have never heard of him. But without his influence, you would have never heard of me either. Gary, I thank you for your love and service.

      In Loving Memory of 
   Gary Lawrence Gillmore    
August 20, 1940 - July 26, 2023

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Daily Race


In 2022, we spent a week in Kauai for our 40th anniversary. One of the iconic sights there are the feral chickens, a holdover from Hurricane Iniki (1992). The islanders’ chickens got all mixed up after the coops were destroyed and they ended up with these birds. I asked one of the native islanders if they eat them. He said, Yes you could, but most would rather have the famous Costco Rotisserie chickens instead. The native chickens are tough, stringy, and gamey tasting. It’s too much work for too little effort to make a meal of them. Still people feed them just the same.

Have you ever felt that way about carving time to ready scripture? I’m not referring to my three friends who can hop out of bed, sans coffee, and jump right into the morning. Hey, for all I know they might even be part alien. I’m talking about the daily grind; trying to read tiny text through triple progressive lenses, while constantly adjusting the focal-arm length. The struggle is real. I am still resisting the larger print edition. I can change the font on my app anytime I choose, thank you. I tend to do mostly audio Bible anymore. It’s less work on the eyes, and I can cover more ground at one sitting.

One of our dearest friends has recently been promoted to “Family Life Pastor” at her church. We got to visit them and their church over the New Year’s break. The lead pastor, Ryan Nuñez, does a daily podcast every morning. The podcast originally started during Covid, and really never stopped. It’s called “The Daily Race”. It’s just long enough for the drive to school and a little time to meditate on what you just heard. Kind of like having someone make breakfast for you. It is a good way to start the morning. If you struggle in the morning to get going, I suggest giving it a try. You will be surprised how it will change your morning attitude.

If you are interested in listening to the Daily Race on Youtube, here's the link.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful…

    This year for the holidays we took a trip to Texas to see my daughter’s family, with a side stop in Arizona to see more friends and family. As road trips go, it was one of the most relaxing trips we have taken. We were worried that we would be driving through rain the whole trip, but instead, a bubble of good weather seems to follow us. I have never seen the roads so free of traffic and moving so smoothly. The car ran great and we had comfortable stops at each place. We even got to stop and look at Native American art and souvenirs as we travelled through some of the local reservation land. I’m not sure why we had it so easy, but I’m grateful.  

    We got to spend several days with three of our nine grandchildren. We played games, went to a movie, watched Christmas specials, and ate very well. I found out that my grandchildren loved to watch me play Pokémon Go. They made sure that Papaw remembered that in Pokémon you “got a catch ‘em all”. The loved to snuggle up close and see what I caught next. They loved spending time with Memaw and Papaw. Honestly, I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful.

    I got to rest and refresh, and even see butterflies flying around in late December. I took walks with my grandchildren. I slept in. I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to. I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful.

    God has been so good to us. We’ve raised five children and now have nine precious grandchildren. Most of the time that was on a single salary. We have always had everything we needed and many things we just “wanted”. I truly have a blessed life and have received much more than I ever deserved. I’m not sure why, but I’m Grateful.