Thursday, May 16, 2024

HWJD (How Would Jesus Drive)


One thing that I have been pondering in the last few months is the inconsistency of obedience to God among those that name the name of Christ. There used to be a joke in Bible College that “everyone has their one thing”. They called it living life 5 miles an hour over the speed limit. 

The way I drive is one area that I have realized I needed to work on. Now, I’m not a bad driver. I have, so far, never received a moving violation. That is not to say there haven’t been times I deserved one, but the record still stands. My issue is with the little things like not signaling consistently, or not keeping close tabs on speed limits. I do not usually intentionally break the law, but I am not intentional in keeping it either. Still, it has always amazed me how that many famous preachers & evangelists can be so strict about obedience in the Christian life and yet they were/are awful drivers. So my mind, circling around as it often does, brought me to the question, “How would Jesus Drive?”

Without making this a legalistic thing, let’s look the question of How Jesus would drive. Sure, Jesus did not have access to cars, but let’s go there anyway.

I’m convinced that Jesus would follow the laws of the land. Yes, He is God so it might seem easy for Him to do it right, but I believe the answer lies in His character.

·         Jesus would plan ahead so he wouldn’t be late and have to speed.

·         Jesus would exercise patience instead of cutting others off.

·         Jesus would extend courtesy to others (move out of the lane to let others pass, give the Right of Way).

·         Jesus would actually stop at stop signs. (No California stops for Him!)

·         Jesus would remember that God always makes a way of escape for temptation.

·         Jesus would always be gracious in His speech (no road rage)

·         Jesus would always take the high road if he dinged or dented someone’s vehicle.

·         Jesus would park in a manner that is fair and equitable to others.

·         Jesus would go to the next exit instead of crossing 4 lanes at once because He wasn’t paying attention.

·         Jesus would not get His identity from His car. (He would even be ok driving my 98 Toyota. My son calls it a scraper… LOL)

·         Jesus would wear His seat belt and smile at you until you buckled yours.

·         Jesus would never ride someone’s bumper to get them to speed up or get out of the way.

·         Jesus would speak kindly, even to that guy.

Jesus would probably not be a popular driver, but He would be the safest, kindest, driver on the road. He would drive perfectly because He is God, but also as a human, because it is the right thing to do.

Yes, Jesus could take the wheel, but really, I think He would rather see you do the driving, just more like Him.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:33 NIV

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