Saturday, August 24, 2024

What Is Your Secret? Hidden In Plain Sight.

Everyone likes a secret. It makes us feel special when we know something that others may not know. Who wouldn’t want to know KFC’s “secret recipe”, the formula for Coca-Cola, Ford’s trade secrets, or Mr. Crab’s recipe for Crabby Patties? The list goes on. If we can just find the recipe, the solution, that hidden secret, then our lives will be changed.

The fact of the matter is that most secrets aren’t secrets. They are just good ideas hidden in plain sight. We can often overlook the obvious while straining to find “the answer”. Our new HS Principal, Don Davis shared his “Secret of Success” with our students at our first Chapel.

1. Get to class on time in the morning.

2. Do what the teacher says.

3. Get to your next class on time.

4. Do what the teacher says.

5. Repeat


Some secret, isn’t it? It is actually just an often ignored piece of common sense. That what most good secrets are – common sense hidden in plain sight.


For our last anniversary, my wife and I took a trip to Bodega Bay. I love the ocean; she loves Alfred Hitchcock. It was a wonderful win-win. While we were there, we stopped by at Jack London Ranch State Park. Mr. London was an interesting enigma to be sure, but he had many great ideas that some would call his “trade secrets”. The funny thing is that he would willingly share them with anyone who would listen. As we toured the house, we were taken to the room where he often slept. Above his bed was a length of twine just within arm’s length, with clothespins every few inches. When he woke up in the middle of the night with a great idea, he would write it down so he didn’t forget it. It was a great system, but not much of a secret. So what secret are you searching for? Victory over a habit? A more powerful prayer life? A more effective Bible reading schedule? Maybe it’s time to get back to the basics. The ones hidden in plain sight – in the scriptures!

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