Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bubbles – In the Moment

 As you enter Mickey’s Toon Town in Disneyland, there is a large artificial grass area on the right shortly after you come under the train bridge. It’s the perfect spot for a young child with the ubiquitous Disney bubble wand. Normally I am not a real fan of that many bubbles. They can get irritating while you are waiting for the parade. They seem to aim directly for your face and nose while you are standing in line for a ride or a churro. But here, they’re almost magical. While the bubbles are floating through the air, an amazing transformation takes place. Children of various ages run and play together as if they have been best friends for years. They giggle and laugh; they run and dance. No one is made fun of. No one is rude or mean. They all take turns seeing who can catch the most bubbles. They wave them in the air. They trail them behind as they run in circles. They even make little piles of bubbles for others to admire. I have even seen adults join in. Fathers hold their child on their shoulders so the bubbles can go high in the air. Mothers help pop bubbles in a contest of who can get the most. I heartily recommend the bubble refill if you can afford it. It allows the fun to keep going. It’s called living in the moment. No one is thinking about the prices. The crowds don’t seem to matter. The stress of trying to get to the next ride fades away. You even forget that you have already walked 20,000 steps and it’s only 6:00 pm. It’s magical, heartwarming and cathartic, at least until the bubbles run out. 

We could learn something from these children. When was the last time you did something so wholeheartedly, that you forgot the cares of the day? It doesn’t have to be new or fancy. It could be a sport (like fishing for me) or a nature walk. It could even be a good book. Yes, we need to plan, follow schedules, and be present in our work. But maybe, just maybe, there is still time for chasing a few bubbles… 

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters,

he refreshes my soul.

Psalm 23:1-3 NIV


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