Friday, June 28, 2024

Strength In The Few...


It has often been said, “There is strength in numbers”. As many of you know, I like to follow a podcast called The Daily Race done by Pastor Ryan Nuñez from Palm Valley Church in Avondale, AZ. The main idea comes from Pastor Ryan; the musings are mine. 
While on vacation in Pismo Beach, I was considering all the employee changes that we will have for this coming school year. I was kind of having a pity party and so that I didn’t spoil everyone else’s day, I decided to get away and pray. I found a quiet place on a tree covered sand dune and sat down. I thought about Pastor Ryan’s podcast and started listening.  

It was from I Samuel 13 & 14. Chapter 13 says that, So on the day of the battle not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them. They had only 2 swords with them! Imagine going into battle with only 2 swords. No wonder they were all just sitting around waiting for a plan. Ch. 14 tells how Jonathan and his amour bearer find a group of Philistine soldiers, trust God for the outcome, and kill 20 soldiers. God sent panic and an earthquake, and the Philistines began to flee. The Israelites began to pursue, and the day was saved. The key here is that God did it, but he didn’t need huge crowds or great resources to do it, just one sword. The message to me was so personal and so strong. I had to step back and Thank God for His encouragement. I even took a picture of the spot so I wouldn’t forget. I titled it, Remember. It still is a bit scary trying to work through everything, but it is exciting to remember that God does some of His best work with almost nothing.

“If you do little things like they’re big things,

God will do big things like they’re little things.”

Mark Batterson Author | Speaker | Lead Pastor, National Community Church


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