Saturday, July 13, 2024

Maid 0r Helpmeet?

 The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.

Matthew Henry, Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible


For some odd reason, a song from eons ago while dinosaurs still roamed the earth happened to pass through my head. “Put another log on the fire. Cook me up some bacon and some beans. Go out to the car and lift it up and change the tire…And as usual, it got me musing…

People that I work with have always marveled at my “sack lunches”. Honestly, they are usually just leftovers, but oh, they are good! I’ve never really asked her to make my lunch; she just always has done it. We celebrated 42 years of marriage this June. A relationship this long doesn’t come by accident. It’s work, but it’s worth it. When we got married she said, “I will do the cooking, laundry, and take care of the house work, if you will bring home a paycheck and take care of the house and car maintenance.” In other words, we shared the work. I find we do a better job on our things because we’re grateful for what each other does. I let her decorate and arrange the house as she chooses. She lets me garden and grow flowers for butterflies. We decide about major purchases together. I’m very fortunate that she is even thriftier than I am. We seldom disagree. Two years ago she hired someone to do the landscaping because she thought I shouldn’t have to do that anymore. (I do hate mowing!)

I am truly blessed. In fact I even had one teacher friend tell me. “If you ever start complaining about your wife I’m gonna slap you and tell you to suck it up buttercup”. He is right you know.


So, If you want a maid, hire one. If you want a helpmeet, treat her like the jewel that she is. I get to be king of the castle not because I should be a king, but because I treat her like the queen that she is. Don’t be like the guy in the song.


“So put another log on the fire babe, and come and tell me why you’re leaving me.”

Put Another Log on the Fire

Shel Silverstein Lyrics © T.R.O. INC. 1976

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