Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Do I Blog?

When we first moved to Arizona in 2012, I attended a teacher clinic with the school in which I was teaching. There, we were challenged by one of the speakers to start a blog. I decided to blog about what God had done in the past, and what he was currently doing now in our lives. It seemed easy at first. I had a lot of things to write about. Being a Christian school teacher for most of my adult life lent itself to allowing (can I say needing?) God to work some crazy things. After a couple years I slowed down and didn’t blog consistently. It wasn’t until 2024 that I finally decided that I would blog every week. So why blog anyway? I did it for several reasons.

  • I wanted a record of what God had done so I would not forget.
  • I wanted a record for my children because for many of the events they were either not born yet, or too small to remember.
  • I wanted to encourage others. If God could do these things for an average guy like me, He could do it for them too.
  • I had a goal of writing a book using these stories. It may end up as a devotional instead of a book.
  • It gave me something to write on the end-of-the-year teacher check out interview. (Hey, ya gotta put something.)

So how does one get started?

To begin, you need to choose a platform for your writing. I chose because it was tied to my Google account and was easy to use. I wanted a place that probably would not change or close down. It allows me to add pictures and links in my writing. It is also very easy to link it into other media like Facebook.

After that, you just start writing. It can be simple short paragraphs, long essays, or somewhere in between.  It’s all up to you.

It will be easier in the long run if you commit to a plan of how often you are going to blog. This is huge, so settle on a plan that will work for you. After all, it is your blog.

I would recommend that you keep a backup copy of your writings, just in case. I write my weekly entries in Word so that I can edit them quickly and also save them in a folder. I actually keep a copy on a thumb drive also. Three backups is a safe way to go. You could also keep a printed copy of everything, but I’m kind of out of the binder phase now.

I hope this helps! Now go get blogging! It’s never too late to share what God is doing in your life! Also, if you do start, be sure to send me the link!

We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭78‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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