Friday, July 5, 2024

Retirement is Overrated

This year I had a parent say “sorry to hear that you’re retiring”. Now, that was news to me. I have no plans to retire anytime soon. Most Christian school teachers don’t have the same retirement that public school teachers get anyway. And I’m not sure I want to retire. I think I would rather just repurpose. How many times have you seen someone retire, and then die soon after? I think it has something to do with just stopping. If you have nothing to keep you going, what’s to keep you from just giving up?

I plan to repurpose, redirect and reinvent. I want to keep serving the homeless and down and outers. I want to pour into my grandchildren so they see God work in their lives like he has in ours. There’s still to much to do. Recently my wife and I were tempted to consider winding down our years in the Pismo Beach area. Nice, but with nothing to do, I think we would go crazy. There’s still so much to do!

I found an interesting post on Facebook called The Last Paper Towel on the Roll. (It’s credited to the Erickson Funeral Home wherever that is.)

                 The Last Paper Towel on the Roll

The  last paper towel on the roll. The one nobody wants. Some say it serves  no purpose with all that glue on it. It was the foundation for all the  other paper towels on that roll and now it has no purpose. Now think of a  family member. A grandparent perhaps. For some they’re like the last  paper towel on the roll. We think they have no purpose yet they have  been the glue that’s held the family together for many years. They were  the foundation for who we are. Hold on to those grandparents and make  sure they know their importance. Without the last paper towel of  glue....... we’d all be napkins 🤔

I have decided that I don’t want to just be the last paper towel, I want to be the paper towel tube and get reused for other adventures! 

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