Sunday, October 13, 2024



Merriam-Webster defines Jaded as “made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by having or seeing too much of something.” To be honest, that’s how I have been feeling lately about my fellow humans here on planet Earth. I guess you could say that some days, I’m just not a fan. In the past month I have witnessed more people run stop signs than I can count. (Well that’s on two hands at least, I refused to take off my shoes while driving just to count.) Shoplifting seems to be at an all-time high. No one seems to even know what the “right of way” rule is anymore. Half of them speed, weave, and dart any which way, while the other fraction are 15 mph under the speed limit checking their Instagram. Don’t even bring up the political climate this election year. I can neither confirm nor deny that the words, “If we all get hit by a comet, I think we probably deserve it” have come out of my mouth in the last month.  

This would all be fun and games if it were not for the nagging reminder in the back of my head (yes, the same place my craw is located for those of you who read September's posts) that keeps saying “Love your neighbor as yourself”. It can be quite a quandary. Jaded by my fellow man and loving your neighbor as yourself are not synonyms.

So what is a person to do? Me, I like to get away somewhere that I can, well, get away. This weekend we got to go to Calaveras Big Trees State Park near Arnold, CA. No, bears this time, but lots of fresh air and relaxation. I did lots of nothing. This time on a trip to the town of Arnold to get ice, I casually remarked about the Giant Burger restaurant there. By the time they came out of the store, they were all talking about how they too wanted a burger. Score one for the driver! (Hey, sometimes you just gotta know when to sneak it in.) After a little bit of a wait, I’m really not sure if it was our fault, their fault, or a little of both, but the order got a little messed up and we were short a fry and some bacon for the grandson. Nevertheless, the manager took full responsibility. He not only apologized and made it right, he went above and beyond. Let’s just say the little bacon lover was pleasantly surprised! I needed some faith in my fellow man and the manager came through beautifully. I can guarantee you that Giant Burger will now be a destination stop while we’re camping there again. (By the way, you’ve gotta try the Jalapeño Burger.) Our faith in humanity restored, we came home refreshed, recharged, and ready to press on. (Funny how such a little thing can change one’s perspective.)

Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”. 
Let’s face it, if we look to people, we will be disappointed. We must not forget that Jesus wants us to be the people helping to “recharge” others. If we look for the good, we will find it. We just can’t give up!

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