Sunday, October 6, 2024

What Do You Do When You’ve Got Nothing?

 At the beginning of the year I made a commitment to blog once a week. So far so good. This week has been different. (Spoiler: there may be a lot of car mechanic comparisons so if you get confused, don’t worry, so am I.) Monday felt like an uphill battle, both directions. The rest of the week seemed like someone took everything apart and put it all together just one tooth off. I wasn’t the only of feeling this. There just seemed to be a general consensus of “What the What?” All week. It could be that we are still in the 100s in October when it should be cooling off. It might be just end of the quarter let down. Whatever it is, I don’t like it. All that to say, that when I got to the weekend and it was time to write, I had nothing. So what do we do when you get to “nothing”?

I consider myself somewhat gifted when it comes to troubleshooting. My dad helped me discover my talent. My father-in-law, John Morris, helped hone it as we worked on various cars. So where do we start? Here are a few of the steps I use to find out the problem and work toward a solution.

1.  Is the power on? This sound oversimplified, but it can save a whole lot of headache. Have you got power? Check that the batteries are placed correctly. Is it plugged in? You would be surprised how many times I have solved problems with only one step.

2. Start from the beginning. This is extremely helpful if someone else has been working on it already. Sometimes you need to unplug everything and start from scratch. Assuming that others have done everything right can lead to wasted time.

3. Take a break. Sometimes you just need to step away and work on something else. Your subconscious will still work on the problem for you. More than once I’ve had an Ah Ha! Moment while working on something else.

4. Bring in a second pair of eyes. Have you ever lost your glasses and found them on your hat? That’s what that second set of eyes can do – see the obvious that we can’t.

5. Pray. This man sound trite, but honestly, it probably should have been step number one. God says If we ask your wisdom He will give it. Don’t leave Him out if the equation!

6. Don’t be afraid to get a professional. There are time you may realize that this problem is “above your pay grade”. Time to lose the pride and check with a professional. It’s humbling, but sometimes necessary. Just be sure to take good notes!

Even though this has all been about solving physical problems, there are spiritual analogies for each step.

Have you recharged spiritually?

Are you following the basics of Scripture?

Are you getting proper spiritual rest?

Do you follow good counsel for trustworthy companions?

Do you daily commune with your creator?

Do you need spiritual counseling from a mentor?

We all hit the “got nothing “ barrier at one time or another. The key is that we take steps to not stay there.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5 NIV

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